Customer Satisfaction
We are thankful for expert advice from Dr. Idriss Saiah, Dr. Gurpreet Kaur Singh and Dr. Farideh Nourian
(Immuni T Corp. Montreal. Quebec, Canada) in the design of the experiments with PBMCs and to Anton Sven-
drovski, MBA, M.Sc. (UZIK Consulting Inc.), for the proficient help with the statistical analyses. Our sincere
appreciation goes to Mr. Felipe Campusano, B.Sc., B.Pharm. (Solar Grants Biotechnology Inc.) for his support
and guidance throughout the project. We are grateful for the opportunity provided by AAFC London Research
and Development Centre and Fanshawe College CARIB lab, London, Ontario, to conduct collaborative projects.
Igor Kolotilin, Ph.D
Grants Biotechnology Inc.
We came into contact with Immuni T in late 2020. We have a FDA filling project needs to be evaluated on the immunogenicity perspective, as outlined in the guidline “ANDAs for Certain Highly Purified Synthetic Peptide Drug Products That Refer to Listed Drugs of rDNA Origin”. Immuni T was referred to Hybio by a consultant closely working with FDA, mentioning that the methodology applied by Immuni T is very close to the FDA published reference on this topic. During the last three years, Immuni T has performed twice the immunogenicity studies for Hybio which has been acknowledged acceptable by FDA. In this process, Immuni T has demonstrated professionalism, passion and willingness to help, Hybio is happy to work with Immuni T in the future for more projects.
Baole Zhang, PhD
Department manager/ Project manager - R&D
Hybio Pharmaceutical
Zymeworks highly recommends IMMUNI T as a scientific CRO. IMMUNI T currently provides preclinical in vitro support for a variety of our bispecific and ADC programs and their technical expertise in the timely execution of complex experiments has been invaluable. They are a professional and highly organized team and their services would be an asset to any organization.
Candice Madalena
Senior Project Manager
Zymeworks Inc.
I have contracted IMMUNI T for several of our in vivo and ex vivo immunological studies over the years. I have always been very impressed and satisfied with their scientific knowledge, ability to accommodate our specific requests in a timely fashion and work ethics. I’m a big fan of their team and I strongly recommend IMMUNI T to anyone looking for a CRO with extensive immunological experience. They are the perfect partner for a small company like ours relying on external expertise.
Eric Zanelli, PhD
President and Scientific Founder Déclion Holdings LLC
I really like working with ImmuniT, we are now finishing our 3rd project with their help. They are reliable, diligent and will deliver the results in a timely and efficient manner. Every week I get an update on the status of the project and I can always reach out to them if I have any questions. Their reports are very detailed and they are always willing to adjust it to fit our needs. So overall I would highly recommend working with ImmuniT.